Feel better about the person you are beyond your professional or personal roles in life so that you can move toward a sense of inner happiness.

Introducing Love Yourself to Happiness, an 8 week small group coaching program for professional, women of color.

Hi I’m Lawanda,

I’m a licensed somatic psychotherapist and self development coach. I’m passionate about celebrating other women of color so they can learn to celebrate themselves!

I have designed Love Yourself to Happiness for you if

  • You’re someone who has accomplished many of the goals you’ve set out to and still feel a sense that something is missing

  • On the outside things seem fine, but on the inside you feel sad

  • You’re tired of using up all your energy for everything and everybody leaving very little for you

  • You’re ready to remember who you are and reconnect with yourself on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level

Can You Relate to This?

You’re doing well in your career, you are there for your family and friends…but no matter how hard you work something is missing. Maybe you feel like you’re not enough and think to yourself, “if only I looked differently”, “worked harder”, or “gave more” I would finally feel better. 

You have the career, the nice house/apartment, family and friends you love, but on the inside you’re sad and anxious and no one really knows, no one really sees you. 

In relationships, it feels like there’s no room for you or you. Maybe you keep your emotions to yourself…until there's a blow-up because of a build-up of resentment. Maybe you’re numb and don’t really feel much or even know what you need.

Something is off, you may not know exactly why or what, but you know you want to feel better.

Self Compassion is the Secret to Feeling Good about You!

In this program I will guide you through the process of cultivating self compassion diagramed here. If you think it’s out of reach, or you don’t know how to get there, or you don’t exactly get why it’s important, that’s okay. This is what I’m good at and I’d be honored to support you here.

Benefits of Love Yourself to Happiness

  • More easily pursue and maintain the relationships, professional opportunities, and lifestyle you really want because you know you’re worth it.

  • More self compassion for the person you are and the ways you’ve had to emotionally protect yourself to survive or cope with your life circumstances. Self compassion is the secret sauce to love and happiness.

  • Ability to prioritize your needs with more ease so that you can participate in your life and relationships in a way that’s more manageable.

  • Use body awareness techniques to manage big emotions and to connect authentically with yourself and others.

Love Yourself to Happiness Works from the Inside-Out!

What You’ll Get

  • 8 weeks of live 90 minute small group video sessions.

  • 8 weeks of 1 on 1 asynchronous coaching. Here’s how that works… once a week you’ll be able to message me or send me a video (2-5 sentences or 2-5 minutes) on a question that’s coming up as a result of your participating in the program. I will respond once a week via video (2-5 minutes).

  • The ability to communicate with other members of your group in between live sessions to stay connected and be supported on your journey toward loving yourself to happiness.

    What We’ll Do

    Love Yourself to Happiness is a 8 week long program, we’ll meet 90 minutes each meeting. The program is divided into 5 modules detailed below.

    Each module will include discussions, self reflection, body awareness practices, and interactive exercises. This is not a program about acquiring more information that you could get from reading a book. It’s designed to guide you on a journey toward connecting to yourself in real-time to move toward a greater appreciation of who you are.

    • Acknowledge your past, the story you tell about it, and the story you tell about yourself.

    • Explore the internal and external messages that have contributed to how you feel, think, and act.

    • Observe how this shows up in your life professionally and personally.

    • Acknowledge the external pressures to ignore your bodies and your needs.

    • Explore and experience the benefits of body awareness

    • Reconnect to yourself and your body, including tuning into your emotions that are felt though your body via sensations. 

    • Familiarize yourself with the subtle and obvious ways your body is talking to you.

    • Observe how body awareness impacts how you feel about yourself.

    • Explore yourself as a multidimensional being. You are not only a high-performing professional, a mother, or the responsible one. We all have many aspects that make up who we are. 

    • Use imagery, metaphor, story, and body sensations, to connect to different aspects of yourself.

    • Cultivate relationships to aspects of yourself that may have been forgotten, hidened, or banished

    • Create, remember, and connect to the vision you have for yourself so that you can start making it a reality. Making room for this can be joy producing.

    • Use imagery, metaphor, story, body sensations, to connect to the things you love about yourself and your life 

    • Explore what happiness means to you.

    • We will complete this program by revisiting your old story and creating your new story

    • What do you now choose to think and feel about yourself? 

    • Reflect on the tools learned and what you’re excited about incorporating into your life, in order to continue the cultivation of a healthier relationship with yourself.

Why Work with Lawanda?

I Have Been There

As someone who has experienced a great deal of childhood trauma, including abuse, violence, and loss, I can stand firmly as I share that it is possible to have more love and happiness in your life. I know what it’s like to feel damaged, feel not good enough, not smart enough, or not pretty enough, to have a life that I love. I know what it’s like to seem fine on the outside but feel sad inside without people really knowing. And I know what it’s like to feel unsteady and lost in my life.

My Journey

For the last 20 + years I have been on a journey of exploring myself and how to move beyond simply surviving and into a space of thriving and really knowing my self worth. Now, I can honestly say that despite what I’ve been through, I feel good about the person I am and I am truly happy….on the inside. 

Beyond The Therapy Office

As a somatic psychotherapist, for the last  5 years, I have had the honor of helping others thrive in their lives by supporting them in cultivating self compassion, improving self esteem, and feeling a sense of inner happiness.

Now, I’m taking these same skills and practices outside the therapy room to share them with you.


“I have been blessed to be a colleague to Lawanda Jackson for over six years, and during that time have found her authentic, loving, and with a depth of character that is rare to come by. She is very consistent, and always shows up when she says she will. She has healthy boundaries, but also will extend herself to connect and care for others when needed. She is someone that creates a field of safety around her through her acceptance and care, which invites the people she comes into contact with to be their full authentic selves without fear of judgement. I send most of my therapy referrals to her, because I trust her with a wide population of people and know she shows up with deep presence and integrity in every thing she does.”

Colleague - Erica Berman

“Lawanda is someone that uplifts me, inspires me, and asks me to go deeper. Whenever I am needing a spiritual perspective or an enthusiastic collaboration, she's my person. I have learned many things from our work together and one of the main takeaways is how to sense into your yes and no and follow through with its calling.” 

Colleague - Jessica Provenza

“Lu is an absolute gem to work with. She has a clear, present and uplifting energy that she brings to each relationship. She also has strong follow through on her word, creating a foundation of trust you can count on. ” 

Colleague - Jacki Hull

“1. Non-judgmental - I've experienced times when talking and sharing something with Lawanda, the way she pans out and sees clearly the bigger picture in a neutral way. 2. Openly - She does not come across as having an agenda in any way. She relates to, and interacts with others very openly, and allows what comes from being open, to guide her. 3. Connective - As a heart-centered person who truly practices engaging from the heart, she has an energy of connection that is palpable.”

Colleague - Kissiah Young

Program Details


  • Time: 5:30pm - 7pm

  • Duration: 90 minutes

  • Dates: August 2023


  • Virtual

  • Links for live sessions and communicating in between sessions will be provided before our first video call.

What you need to participate

  • Good internet connection

  • Able & willing to use the video function on Zoom

  • Able to make the time and space to fully participate in the program and attend live sessions

Registration Fee:

  • Pay in Full: $2000 (save $100 by paying in full)

  • Payment Plan Option: $2100 (for 3 payments of $700)

Application & Registration Process

  1. Pay registration fee

  2. Complete application

  3. Schedule 20 minute 1 on 1 consultation video call

  4. You’ll receive your welcome via email. If for some reason I feel that Love Yourself to Happiness is not the best fit for you, you will receive a full refund. Please note that once you have received your welcome, there are no refunds.


If what you’ve read resonates with you, take the next step and register below. This is an act of self love.

Is Love Yourself to Happiness for Me?

It’s for you if…

  • You identify as a woman of color

  • If learning through your bodily sensations, imagery, metaphor, intuition and gut feelings sounds interesting or exciting to you. 

  • Open heart and mind to explore new ideas or even familiar ideas in a different way.

  • Willing to “try on” new practices by tuning into your emotions and bodily sensations

  • Ready to connect to yourself more deeply 

  • Ready to take responsibility for your own life and happiness

  • You know that you want to feel better about yourself, you know you want more out of life and you’re ready to do something about it.

  • If you are interested in connecting with other professional women of color in a judgment free, safe, supportive, uplifting environment.

It’s not if…

  • You do not identify as a woman of color. I will offer this program to other demographics at a later date….stay tuned.

  • If you want power points and statistics, this program is not for you. In this program I will guide participants through a process of learning through bodily sensations, imagery, metaphor, intuition and gut feelings, and their overall emotional experience. 

  • If you are experiencing suicidal ideation, psychosis, currently in a crisis, or your mental health is unstable. 

  • If you are seeking one on one coaching or therapy

Frequently Asked Questions

    1. Pay registration fee

    2. Complete application

    3. Schedule 20 minute 1 on 1 consultation video call

    Once those things are done, you’ll receive your welcome via email. If for some reason I feel that Love Yourself to Happiness is not the best fit for you, you will receive a full refund. Please note that once you have received your welcome, there are no refunds.

  • There can be a lot of overlap between coaching and therapy. Some think that coaching looks forward and therapy looks backward. This can be true but is not necessarily the case. There are many types of therapy including CBT and Solutions Focused Therapy that focuses on problem solving, strategy, and the implementation of new behaviors. Likewise, processing emotions and thought patterns can be an essential part of a coaching program. With that said, there are some important legal distinctions that are important to note. Here are some of them, this is not an exhaustive list…

    Therapists are licensed by the state board which comes with many regulations which are in place to protect therapy clients.

    Licensed therapists must abide by confidentiality and privacy laws and codes of ethics which is an important part of the therapeutic container.

    Therapy can be covered by insurance and therapists can diagnose and treat mental illness.

    Coaching is not regulated by a state board. There are less protections for clients and some would argue that there is more freedom in the ways coaches can work with their clients.

    Coaching does not include the diagnosis or treatment of mental illness.

  • This is not group therapy. This is a group coaching program. Coaching does not include the diagnosis or treatment of mental illness.

  • No.

  • No. One way therapy clients are protected is by making sure that therapy clients are not also friends, associates, or have any other relationship outside of the therapeutic relationship. To avoid a dual relationship I can not be your coach and your therapist.

  • No. All meetings will be in a small group setting.

  • Before we start I will meet with each person 1 on 1. During the first session we’ll create group agreements which will include things like keeping our meetings confidential and respecting each others experiences…etc. I will do my best to set the stage for a space that feels safe, supportive, and up-lifting.

  • Yes. If you pay in one payment the total is $2000. The payment options is 3 payments of $700 for a total of $2100.

  • There are no refunds for this program because it is a live group program with a limited number of seats. If you have any questions please book a discovery call with me to see if Love Yourself to Happiness is right for you.

More Questions?…Schedule a Discovery Call!

If you have more questions or would like to meet me via Zoom before making your decision please don’t hesitate to reach out. Click here to schedule a complementary 20 minute discovery call.