Complimentary Mini Course:

Love Yourself More, 5 Days From Now

Complimentary Mini Course: Love Yourself More, 5 Days From Now

Stop living your life feeling bad about you.

If feeling bad about the person you are is starting to interfere with your relationships or career, you don’t have to keep feeling this way.

Can You Relate…

  • You often find yourself judging yourself harshly

  • Self sabotaging is part of your weekly routine

  • Can’t get the negative self talk out of your head

  • You find it difficult to offer the same care and kindness to yourself that you offer to others

If you can relate to any of this, this Love Yourself More, 5 Days From Now could be just the thing to help you get on a path toward feeling better about the person you are. Feeling better about yourself doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have goals or desire growth. On the contrary, appreciating who you are today, will actually help you be where you want to be in the future.

Once you sign up below you will be emailed five (2-5 minute) videos where I’ll guide you through the same process I use all the time with my clients to help them have more compassion and love for themselves.

Here’s What We’ll Do

  • Examine something about yourself you don’t particularly care for

  • Notice how this has helped you in some way throughout your life

  • Acknowledge yourself for surviving your set of circumstances

  • Cultivate an internal sense of self compassion with this new understanding

  • Noticing what it’s like to be you now, from this new perspective

About Lawanda

I’m Lawanda Jackson, a licensed psychotherapist and coach and my career is dedicated to helping people feel better about themselves which I believe is a neccessary step to reaching our goals and having life we want.

For the last 20 + years I have been on a journey of exploring myself and how to move beyond simply surviving and into a space of thriving and really knowing my self worth. Now, I can honestly say that despite what I’ve been through, I feel good about the person I am and I am truly happy….on the inside. 

As a somatic psychotherapist, for the last  5 years, I have had the honor of helping others thrive in their lives by supporting them in cultivating self compassion, improving self esteem, and feeling a sense of inner happiness.

Thank you for taking some time to visiting my site and checking out my complimentary gift to you, Love Yourself More, 5 Days From Now.